Giving every child an opportunity to develop CHARACTER and live a Healthy Lifestyle in the schools and communities where they grow up.
What We Do
The SDYF seeks and trains high school students to be Teen Teachers in their school and community. Teens teach younger students to strengthen Character and how to live a healthy lifestyle. Unique to the SDYF, Teens as Teachers is leadership development; empowering youth to be vibrant members of their community. Teens are eligible to earn scholarships based on the successful completion of the Teens as Teachers program.
Who We Are
The South Dakota Youth Foundation, Inc. was formed in Sept. 2015 by community leaders and volunteers searching for ways to better meet the needs of youth across the state.
Our goal: To serve as a catalyst to bring school and community organizations together to:
Our goal: To serve as a catalyst to bring school and community organizations together to:
- Help young people develop skills for healthier lifestyles.
- Promote character education as a way of life in schools and communities.
- Interest older youth in teaching as a professional career.
Our Impact
SDYF, through its Teens as Teachers program…
- Has trained 827 youth as Teen Teachers
- Has been in 111 communities across the state of South Dakota
- Has provided over 42,000 opportunities for youth to develop skills in Character Counts and a Healthy Lifestyle
- In 2023, 155 Teen Teachers donated over 1600 hours teaching elementary students -- in their local communities.
- $11,000 in scholarships funds paid to Teen Teachers graduating in 2024
Honors and Awards
and Award of Merit (2022) The South Dakota Youth Foundation has been honored as the recipient of the Friend of Career and Technical Education Award in 2020 by the South Dakota Association of Career and Technical Education. (SDACTE) and the South Dakota Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Science. (SDATFCS). SDATFCS again honored us as a Friend of CTE (2023). Nominated by SDATFCS, consideration for the award relies on the contributions to Career and Technical Education; its promotion, development, or progress. The SD Youth Foundation Teens as Teacher program met this criterion by promoting teaching as a career choice and helping students develop leadership and workforce skills. |
The South Dakota Youth Foundation, Inc. and Teens As Teachers have also been honored to receive the Award of Merit from the South Dakota Association of Teachers of Family and Consumer Sciences. in 2022. The goal of the Award of Merit is to recognize organizations outside the field of career and technical education for...'highest meritorious contributions to the improvement, promotion, development and progress of career and technical education. '
In addition, the Healthy Youth curriculum contributes to physical and mental health, cornerstone components for Family and Consumer Science education. This promotes Family and Consumer Sciences as a positive influence.
Leadership development is a hallmark of CTE programs. Teens as Teachers has increased leadership skills for students involved. This contribution to the profession will be ongoing and helps students become active leaders within school walls as well as in the community.
Thank you to SDATFCS and SDACTE for their recognition.
In addition, the Healthy Youth curriculum contributes to physical and mental health, cornerstone components for Family and Consumer Science education. This promotes Family and Consumer Sciences as a positive influence.
Leadership development is a hallmark of CTE programs. Teens as Teachers has increased leadership skills for students involved. This contribution to the profession will be ongoing and helps students become active leaders within school walls as well as in the community.
Thank you to SDATFCS and SDACTE for their recognition.